What are the procedures for operating packaging film equipment?

2021/07/01 15:28

Operation method of packaging film equipment:

1. Before starting, check the heat shrinkable channel for foreign matter, and remove the foreign matter; the oil level of the reducer should be between the upper and lower lines of the observation mirror, and the oil level should not be sufficient. Turn on the main power switch, turn on the start power switch, and the green indicator light is on.

2. Turn on the conveyor belt control switch, start the fan, and the equipment is running. Turn the conveyor control knob clockwise to control the conveyor speed at the required speed and observe whether the cross-branch chain has jammed abnormal noise. If there is a jam, stop immediately Report for repair and start after the repair is normal.

3. To adjust the heating temperature, turn on the temperature control switch to the right, press the (SET) button on the thermostat, the temperature on the display starts to flash, press (left and right ▲) to select the temperature zone, press (up ▲ to adjust the temperature) The heating temperature is controlled at the desired shrinking temperature.

4. When parking or repairing occurs in the middle, the packaging items in the oven should be taken out in time to avoid scorching them.

5. It is forbidden to reach into the equipment during operation to prevent high temperature burns.


When shutting down, turn off the upper and lower heating and temperature control power supplies. After the heat shrinking machine runs for 10 minutes, the temperature drops, turn off the operation switch and the temperature control switch, the heat shrinking machine stops running; turn off the start power switch, turn off the main power switch, and perform Clean, shutdown is complete.

Maintenance and repair

1. Regularly check the inside of the electric box and the electronic components, the electromagnetization is clean, dry, and well ventilated

2. Check and maintain the packaging film equipment once a month before use. The content includes: adding a little grease to the chain, replacing the damaged braided tube with a new one, checking and testing the heating part and running part of the control power supply to ensure the normal operation of the machine.

3. Check the electrical part once a month.

4. Clean up equipment, workbench and ground debris, oil stains and dust, and keep the workplace clean and tidy.

5. Repair once every year of use (performed according to the annual maintenance plan).